Saturday, October 31, 2009

Blooming now (2009-10-31)

Happy Halloween. This orchid, Cattleya Arctic Star 'Snow Queen', bloomed almost a week ago, but I'm just now blogging about it. This orchid is flowering strongly and there are five flowers on the single spike. There were a total of six buds, but one of them blasted off before fully forming. The flowers opened slightly flushed with pink, which has faded now that it's been open for a week. This is another good Cattleya-type orchid for outdoor growing.

Blooming now (2009-10-20)

I know I'm posting this a week later than the date in the title, but I wanted to log the flowering of this orchid for the date that it bloomed. The orchid in the photo is Brassocattleya Pastoral 'Innocence'. The flowers are white with a tiny touch of lavender on the lip and a yellow throat. This is another orchid that I had for several years, but this is the first time it is flowering (I think). There are two leads on this plant and it bloomed with a total of three flowers. It had a pleasant fragrance, but not too strong. Unfortunately, the flowers seem to last only about two weeks as they are starting to show signs of fading already.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My haul

So, I just wanted give you an idea of my shopping at the orchid shows that I went to in the last couple weeks. As much as I wanted, I resisted buying some of the orchids that I lost couple years ago due to the cold winter. I tried to stay with cool-growing orchids, but I may have veered off a little with some of the purchases. The photo above is of Dendrobium cuthbertsonii, which is a very dwarf growing cold growing orchid. They have leaves that are less than an inch in length with a bumpy texture. The flowers are about an inch across (bigger than the plant) and last about two months in perfect condition.

Here is a list of orchids that I acquired:

Dendrobium cuthbertsonii
Laelia anceps var Williamsianum
Laelia rubescens alba
Vanda coerulea
SLC Circle of Life (remake of the original hybrid)
Amesiella monticola

Wish me luck on these new plants.

Blooming now (200910-18)

This is Zygopetalum Kiwi Geyser. These orchids can be grown right next to Cymbidiums and bloom around this time of the year just before Cymbidiums start blooming. Zygopetalum orchids usually have very strong fragrances.

This is another Zygopetalum hybrid that is blooming now. The tag on this orchid indicates it is a hybrid cross between Z. Arthur Elle and Z. Kiwi Geyser. The lip on this flower is almost solid purple. This also has a very strong fragrance.

I won't take credit for flowing this beautiful multigeneric hybrid (Cochlioda, Miltonia, and Odontoglossum), called Vuylstekeara Fall In Love 'Lovely Lady'. I bought this two weeks ago at the Southbay orchid show. There is no fragrance, but it definitely makes up for it with branching spikes of long lasting large flowers.

Blooming now (2009-10-11)

The orchid in the above picture is Laeliocattleya Chyong Guu Swan 'Ruby Lip' (I don't name them). I bought this last year at the Orange County fall orchid show. These flowers have a very sweet and spicy fragrance. I was pleasantly surprised that this orchid did well during the winter last year. I'm hoping that it will do well again this year.

This is a hybrid cross between Laelia purpurata and Cattleya lueddemanniana called Lc. Duvalliana, which I bought at Cal-Orchids last year. Interestingly, the flowers are larger now than when I first acquired it. This orchid also has a fragrance, though not too strong. With the L. purpurata as one of its parents, it seems to tolerate the cool winters, although C. lueddemanniana also seems to tolerate some cold weather as well.

This is Calanthe sylvatica, a blue flowering terrestrial orchid. I don't think I figured out exactly how to grow this orchid that well since it is still very small compared to the larger specimen that I saw at the orchid show today. This has been flowering for about three weeks now as the flowers open successively.

Time for some posts ...

I've been quite busy over the last couple weeks and didn't really have the time to write some new posts. I have new orchids in bloom and also new orchids that I acquired at the couple orchid shows that I recently attended. The two shows were the fall orchid show sponsored by the Southbay Orchid Society and the Southland Orchid Show at the Huntington Library. Here are some photos from the two shows.

These are some mounted orchids (Laelias, Schomburgkia, and other orchids) that were on exhit at the Southbay orchid show. Unfortunately, this is not the best photo that I could have taken.

This is an exhibit from one of the growers at the Southland Orchid Show.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Updates to upcoming events

I updated the list of orchid events coming up soon. Hopefully, you will make it to one of these events. I wanted to share this photo of Paphiopedilum rothschildianum, a slipper species from Mt Kinabalu in Malaysia. I took this photo during the 2005 Southland Orchid Show at Huntington Library.

October 10-11, 2009
South Bay Orchid Society Fall Show & Sale
South Coast Botanic Garden
26300 Crenshaw Blvd.
Palos Verdes Penninsula, CA 90274

October 17-19, 2009
Harvest Moon Orchid Festival (Southland Orchid Show)
Huntington Botanical Gardens

11511 Oxford Road
San Marino, CA 90274

October 24-25, 2009
San Diego County Orchid Society
Fall Show in the Park

Room 101 Casa Del Prado in Balboa Park
San Diego, CA

November 7-8, 2009

Santa Barbara Orchid Estate Annual Fall Open House
1250 Orchid Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

November 7-8, 2009

Cal-Orchid Open House
1251 Orchid Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93111