Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blooming now (2009-10-11)

The orchid in the above picture is Laeliocattleya Chyong Guu Swan 'Ruby Lip' (I don't name them). I bought this last year at the Orange County fall orchid show. These flowers have a very sweet and spicy fragrance. I was pleasantly surprised that this orchid did well during the winter last year. I'm hoping that it will do well again this year.

This is a hybrid cross between Laelia purpurata and Cattleya lueddemanniana called Lc. Duvalliana, which I bought at Cal-Orchids last year. Interestingly, the flowers are larger now than when I first acquired it. This orchid also has a fragrance, though not too strong. With the L. purpurata as one of its parents, it seems to tolerate the cool winters, although C. lueddemanniana also seems to tolerate some cold weather as well.

This is Calanthe sylvatica, a blue flowering terrestrial orchid. I don't think I figured out exactly how to grow this orchid that well since it is still very small compared to the larger specimen that I saw at the orchid show today. This has been flowering for about three weeks now as the flowers open successively.

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