Sunday, October 18, 2009

My haul

So, I just wanted give you an idea of my shopping at the orchid shows that I went to in the last couple weeks. As much as I wanted, I resisted buying some of the orchids that I lost couple years ago due to the cold winter. I tried to stay with cool-growing orchids, but I may have veered off a little with some of the purchases. The photo above is of Dendrobium cuthbertsonii, which is a very dwarf growing cold growing orchid. They have leaves that are less than an inch in length with a bumpy texture. The flowers are about an inch across (bigger than the plant) and last about two months in perfect condition.

Here is a list of orchids that I acquired:

Dendrobium cuthbertsonii
Laelia anceps var Williamsianum
Laelia rubescens alba
Vanda coerulea
SLC Circle of Life (remake of the original hybrid)
Amesiella monticola

Wish me luck on these new plants.

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