Friday, November 6, 2009

Blooming now (2009-11-06)

Laelia anceps is quite tolerant of a wide range of conditions from cold to hot temperatures.  Also, this is an orchid that blooms pretty reliably each year.  This particular variety, 'Irwin's', grows vigorously and seems to branch freely with each new growth sending up a flower spike.  This plant had four spikes with twelve flowers in total.
This hybrid is Sophrolaeliocattleya (SLC) Ateshperest 'Flaming Delight' AM/AOS, which bloomed about a week ago.  I didn't even know that this was about to flower.  The flowers could be better formed than this (since I have seen it bloom better), but at least it bloomed.  Hopefully it will flower better next time after I repot it.

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