Sunday, November 8, 2009

My haul

I drove to Santa Barbara today for the Santa Barbara open house sales at the Orchid Estate and Cal-Orchids.  The drive was quite pleasant and the weather was perfect.  There were quite a few orchids in bloom at both places, especially Laelia anceps and some Cattleya labiata orchids.  I went thinking that I would pick up a couple Laelia anceps varieties, but ended up getting entirely different orchids.  Here are photos of my haul.

I've been wanting to get this hybrid for a little while, and I was pleasantly surprised that there was one for sale at the Orchid Estate.  This is Sophrolaelia Orpetii, which is a cross between Laelia pumila and Sophronitis coccinea.  As you can see, the flower is a little bit battered, but you can get an idea of what it will be like if grown well.

This is another Laelia pumila that I now own.  This particular variety has very light petals with a rich magenta lip.  This is another cool growing orchid which I have had success in growing in my backyard.  The flowers on this orchid are pretty beaten, but I can deal with this until next year.

I don't have very many Oncidium orchids, but this one caught my eye.  Unfortunately this one did not have a name tag.  Cal-Orchids gave a great deal for this one.

This is Masdevallia Highland Fling 'Orange Burst' HCC/AOS.  The grower at Cal-Orchid said that this is more warm growing than other Masdevallia orchids.  Hopefully, it will do fine left outdoors.

This is an Odontoglossum hybrid which didn't have a name.  I often forget to verify that an orchid has a proper tag with the name on it.  Oh well, this is quite attractive, even without a name.

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