Saturday, August 8, 2009

Blooming now (2009-08-08)

Ascocentrum curvifolium
Beallara Tahoma Glacier 'Sugar Sweet' AM/AOSCattleya loddigesii var alba
I've been really busy this last week but I did get a chance to take some photos of orchids that are blooming now. As summer is in high gear, I am watering frequently to keep the plants hydrated at a proper level and to keep them cool. Since I have been watering more often, the problem with the poor water quality is less noticeable. I am considering changing my potting media to 100% perlite. I have read that some orchids adapt well to the sponge rock like material, which retains moisture while also providing air to the roots of orchids. I probably will experiment with a few of my orchids first to see how well they perform. I'll probably try this in the next months with the orchids which prefer to stay moist at all times like Sophronitis coccinea and Dendrobium cuthbertsonii (see photos in previous posts).


  1. Always beyond beautiful!

  2. Thanks for sharing your pictures and information. You have very beautiful plants.
