Sunday, August 16, 2009

Blooming now (2009-08-16)

This orchid, Cattleya leopoldii (dark) x loddigesii, just opened yesterday, but I waited until this morning to take this photo so that the flower was little more opened. This is the first time it is blooming. I don't remember when I bought this, but it was probably at least two years ago. I bought this in Santa Barbara and paid $7.50 as a small seedling. I wanted to try this orchid since I know that the C. loddigesii parent is cold tolerant, though I wasn't too sure about the C. leopoldii, which I have read as an intermediate grower. I have a couple of C. leopoldii orchids, but they are not doing that well, so I'm inclined to think that they don't like the cold too much. Hopefully, the next time this blooms, it will be little better than what it looks like now.

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