Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blooming now (2009-09-09)

Here is another plant of Cattleya Clark Herman 'Chicago' which was growing in the back yard. This one flowered a little better than the other one that was growing on the side of the house. Normally, there are four flowers per spike and each flower can measure almost six inches across.

This is Stanhopea wardii 'Twin Falls' which was awarded CCM by AOS. I didn't realize that I had two plants of this orchid until now. This orchid is a prolific bloomer.

This is Cattleya Minerva coerulea, which is the "blue" form of the hybrid cross between Cattleya bowringiana and Cattleya loddigesii. This is a very nice looking orchid and blooms reliably, with up to six flowers per stem.

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