Saturday, September 5, 2009

Blooming now (2009-09-05)

This is a hybrid of Dendrobium bracteosum x laevifolium. The flowers on this last over a month. My only complaint is that the pink color is not that bright.

This is Cattleya Clark Herman 'Chicago'. This flower isn't in the best shape, but at least it's blooming. I have another one of these that is getting ready to bloom in another part of the yard.

This is Laeliocattleya Novissima. This is another hybrid with Laelia anceps, with the other parent being Cattleya gaskelliana. This is a robust hybrid and blooms on each new growth. These flowers are very susceptible to slugs and other insects.

This is Laeliocattleya Wrigleyi 'Blue Lagoon'. It just opened this week and there are five flowers on it. This hybrid is a cross between Laelia anceps and Cattleya bowringiana and grows really well in our climate. This is another very reliable bloomer.

This is a Miltonia hybrid for which I don't have the exact name. If anyone knows the name of this particular clone, please let me know. I'm growing this is a basket and it is doing quite well. I've had this for two years and it's bloomed extravagently each year.

This is Laeliocattleya Elegans sanguinea, which is another prolific bloomer. The flowers last relatively long (about three weeks).

This is Dendrobium amabile, which already bloomed earlier this year (spring time). Apperently, this species can bloom in the fall again. The only down side to this orchid is that the flowers do not last longer than a week.

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