Friday, September 25, 2009

Blooming now (2009-09-25)

This is Miltonia spectabilis var. Moreliana or a hybrid of one. I lost the tag on this plant so I'm not positive about its identity. However, the growth habit seems typical of the species. I recently potted this plant into perlite (I know, it had a flower bud), but it seems to be doing pretty well. The flower did seem to suffer and didn't quite open as full as it should have.

This species is Laelia perrinii. I just bloomed within the last few days. Unfortunately, this plant usually blooms with either one or two flowers per each new growth even though descriptions indicate more flowers. There are two new growths on this plant each with a single flower. The shape of this flower is distinctly different from other Cattleya-type orchids.

I bought this orchid as Ascocentrum miniatum. However, the plant size seems too large in comparison to plant descriptions that I have read for this species. According to descriptions, this is supposed to be a miniature orchid. Still, I'm happy to see it blooming.

This poorly flowered orchid is Cattleya aclandiae x leopoldii. This plant is in need of repotting and it may have flowered better with better care. There were more flower buds, but most of them fell off. The photo below shows the same orchid three years ago when it flowered robustly.

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