Monday, September 28, 2009

My haul

I realized almost too late that this past weekend was the Fascination of Orchids show and sales held at the South Coast Plaza Village. Unfortunately, I only had a very short time to stop by to browse the vendor tables. I wish I had time to see the orchids on display in the show. Hopefully, I will have an opportunity at the next event. Anyhow, I was able to pick up couple of orchids that I really liked, though they were a bit pricey. The orchids that I got were two plants of Laelia pumila, which are cool growing dwarf species that grow between five to seven inches. The flowers are generally large for the size of the plant and there are usually one to two flowers per spike. One of the orchids has very large flowers for this species, spanning over four inches across. The other orchid has smaller flowers (about three inches across), but the habit seems to be that it blooms with two flowers, hopefully consistently. The photos below show the orchids, with the first one being the large-flowered plant and the second one being the one that blooms with two flowers.

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