Sunday, July 26, 2009

July is for purpurata

My Laelia (Sophronitis) purpurata orchids just finished blooming last week. Most of them flowered in early July and by the time they were finishing, the Laelia tenebrosas were blooming. They have also finished flooming now, and unfortunately, I don't have any orchids blooming for me now heading into August. I expect that my Cattleya labiata orchids will start to push out their buds (hopefully). I also have one Cattleya loddigesii alba getting ready to flower in a few weeks.

I think if the weather was a little bit cooler and I had watered the plants a little more often, they may have stayed in bloom for another week or two. I always end up saying that next year I'll do a better job. Hopefully, I will. It's really a matter of how much time and energy I have to devote to growing the orchids better.

I also have to get out there and spread some snail bait. it's incredible how much damage those little critters can do. Over night, a beautiful flower can look like Swiss cheese. How frustrating. Again, time and energy is what I need. Of course, the time that I'm spending to post this could be spent in the garden.

The photos here are of my favorite purpurata and tenebrosa orchids. These are very "cold hardy" in that they tolerate our winter nights quite well. I have not seen any of these experience any ill effect from the cold. Two years ago, our night temperatures were in the 30's for days on end. I don't think I lost any purpuratas or tenebrosas. I've grown these in almost full sun without any burn spots, but I do think they prefer a little less light than what I have been giving them, which is under a nearly clear plastic cover. The leaves look too yellow for my taste. I will provide a 50% shade cloth soon (somebody please remind me!).

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