Monday, July 27, 2009

Reliable bloomer

The photo here shows Dendrobium amabile. I don't remember exactly where I got it, but I have had it for about three years now and it has bloomed for me reliably each year. The flowers are about 1.5 inches in diameter and grow down in a hanging cluster of couple dozen flowers. My only complaint of this plant would be that the flowers do not last very long (at least for me). I think the flowers stayed fresh looking for only one week. But it was warmer than usual and that could have caused the flowers to die sooner. It is a cheerful looking flower and maybe there is a slight scent. I have it growing in a plastic pot in coconut husk chips, but it tends to get top heavy, especially when it is in bloom. When I report it, I may pot the plant in rocks to keep it from falling over (unless I change my mind from now until then).

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