Thursday, July 30, 2009

Outdoor growing areas

The two pictures above are not that exciting, but I wanted to show what my growing areas look like. The first photo is of the side of the house that faces south. You can make out the 50% white shade cloth that stretches from the house to the fence. Since the shade cloth is very light, the grommets of the shade cloth are hooked on to galvanized screws. The section that is in the photo shows my hanging orchids and some ferns hung on pipes fixed to the fence. These orchids fared pretty well during the winter, even with the rains hitting them.

The second photo shows my growing area in the back yard. Here, I have a nearly clear plastic tarp stretched over a pipe frame (similar to structures you might see at a flee market). This is the area where the sun is too strong. I really need to order the shade cloth (thanks for reminding me, Yolanda). However, I do have orchids that can tolerate stronger light placed in this area. The orchids grow on top of plastic shelves that I got from Home Depot. They seem sturdy enough, but I do wonder if UV light might cause them to crack eventually (the shade cloth might retard that).

I have another section in the backyard that is somewhat shadier, but I didn't upload a photo since that's also the messy area with all the clutter. I've been thinking about installing a pre-fab greenhouse from WalMart in that location. But that would be yet another project that I don't have time for.

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